These powerful guns were just not doled out ...

Resistance 2

Score: 5.7

System: PS3
Genre: First-person shooter
Single-player length: 10 hours
Difficulty: 6
Developer: Insomniac Games
Publisher: SCEA
Release Date: 11/4/08

- Large number of enemies on screen without slowdown
- 8-player co-op with addictive experience system and classes that rely on each other
- Skirmish mode constantly changes the game's objectives

- The majority of the campaign sets you against 2-3 very generic types of enemies
- Only one boss requires you to approach the game differently
- Co-op's extremely large enemy forces noticeably slows down the pace of combat
- Very little multi-player objective or mode variety

There are so many first-person shooter games made every year that many times it's hard to differentiate among them. Some games, such as Call of Duty: World at War, offered varied gameplay that requires you to react to different attacks in varying environments with a wide range of weapons, vehicles and powers, but Resistance 2 is not one of these games. Both the campaign and multi-player game modes are extremely repetitive by simply marching out the same generic enemies thousands of times and supplying you with very few interesting weapons to deal with them. Co-op offers the best gameplay because you can earn powers through an addictive experience system, but even its gameplay slows to a crawl as you face an endless stream of the same boring enemies. It's best to avoid this game and spend your time with other far better shooters on the market that offer a much more complete package
Resistance 2 follows up where the original game left off. You play as Nathan Hale, an American soldier that is partially immune to an infection threatening to transform the human race into monstrosities called the Chimera. You've managed to slow the infection in England and now must bring the fight to America's shores. Throughout the campaign, you'll be shipped to various parts of the world to find the problem's source and stop the threat once and for all
While there are an adequate variety of enemies in Resistance 2, the problem is that a great majority of the game's campaign is spent fighting the basic Hybrid soldiers over and over again. While you are sent to various locales, including swamplands, enemy bases, inside capital ships, and large cities, none of the levels are unique from anything you've seen in other shooters. While there are many weapons, only a couple of them actually differ from other shooter's arsenals
Gears of War 2 is an example of a game that ensures you don't see the same enemies repeatedly. Every level varies its pacing by including squads comprised of different enemy types. It also makes sure to let you fight them in various ways, such as in vehicles, with melee attacks and letting you use enemies as human shields. Many enemies also require different ways to defeat them as well, which also helps keep you from getting bored. Resistance 2 never strays from running and gunning down enemies on foot

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